Reblogged from my company blog:
The Problem?
Microsoft RDS has limitations when delegating access, in fact there is no built-in access delegation whatsoever!
The solution? Powershell!
A Just enough Administration (JEA) endpoint, also known as a Constrained Powershell Endpoint.
The endpoint is restricted to only access List collection, list users and subsequently force logoff users. The endpoint configuration to only accept users from a certain AD group.
To configure endpoint, run the following code on all connection brokers. The script is somewhat generalized for easy adaptability. The main parts are in the parameters where we configure who can run, using which account and also what cmdlet are available in the constrained session.
<# .Synopsis Short description .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Name: Create-JEA-RDS-Endpoint.ps1 Author: Vikingur Saemundsson Date Created: 2017-11-20 Version History: 2017-11-20 - Vikingur Saemundsson Initial Creation Xenit AB #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [String]$Name = 'Xenit.JEA.RDS.Servicedesk', [String]$Path = 'C:\Xenit\RDS\LogoffEndpoint', [Array]$VisibleCmdlets = $("Get-RDSessionCollection","Get-RDSessionHost","Get-RDUserSession","Invoke-RDUserLogoff","Where-object"), [String]$AdGroup = 'Servicedesk Ad group', [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$ServiceAccount, [Array]$Modules = 'RemoteDesktop', [String]$Author = 'Vikingur Saemundsson', [String]$Company = 'Xenit AB' ) Try{ $ADGroupSID = (Get-ADGroup $AdGroup).SID If(-not(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container)){ New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force } $LockdownScript = @' Get-Command | Where Visibility -eq 'Public' | ForEach-Object { if ( $_.Name -notin $CmdsToExclude ) { $_.Visibility = 'Private' } } '@ '$CmdsToExclude = @("Get-Command", "Out-Default", "Exit-PSSession", "Measure-Object", "Select-Object" , "Get-FormatData"{0})' -f (($VisibleCmdlets | ForEach-Object{",`"$_`""}) -join '') | Out-File "$Path\LockdownScript.ps1" $LockdownScript | Out-File "$Path\LockdownScript.ps1" -Append $Modules += 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core' $Modules += 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management' $Modules += 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security' $Modules += 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility' $Modules += 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics' $Modules += 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Host' $ConfigFileParams = @{ Path ="$Path\$Name.pssc" ModulesToImport = $Modules ScriptsToProcess = "$Path\LockdownScript.ps1" CompanyName = $Company Author = $Author Copyright = "(c) $((Get-Date).Year) $Company. All rights reserved." SessionType = 'Default' LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" ExecutionPolicy = 'Bypass' } $SessionConfigParams = @{ RunAsCredential = $ServiceAccount Name = $Name Path = $ConfigFileParams.Path UseSharedProcess = $true SecurityDescriptorSddl = "O:BAG:DUD:AI(A;;GX;;;$ADGroupSID)" Confirm = $false } If(Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigParams.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $SessionConfigParams.Name -Confirm:$false } New-PSSessionConfigurationFile @ConfigFileParams Register-PSSessionConfiguration @SessionConfigParams } Catch{ Write-Error $_ }
The frontend application code is not posted in the blog.